Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Workshops: Italian Felt Academy

I am very happy to finally announce that I will be giving a master workshop “Archaic felt in modern couture” at the Italian Felt Academy in Verona, Italy, hosted by genial textil artist Agostina Zwilling, in March 11-13, 2011.
The class will cover  felting a nuno dress from raw fleeces (Drenthe Heath included!) and fabric manipulations – i.e. combining archaic, primal aspect of felt and modern couture details.
All correspondance about the workshop should be adressed to Agostina.

Agostina Zwilling:

Cari amici e colleghi,
ho dato vita alla Italian Felt Academy
con l'intento di offrire un contenitore di formazione professionale e artistica.
Trovate nel programma 2010/2011 in allegato seminari di feltro tenuti da quattro artiste del feltro.

Dear friends and colleagues,
with the foundation of the Italian Felt Academy I wanted to create an institution for professional and artistic tuition.
In the attached 2010/2011 programme are workshops for felt makers held in Italy by four renowned felt artists.

Chers amis et collègues,
en fondant l' Italian Felt Academy j'ai décidé de créer une structure pour la formation continue professionelle et artistique.
Dans le programme 2010/2011 ci-joint il y a des ateliers pour les amateurs du feutre, tenus en Italie par quatre artistes du feutre.

Liebe Freunde und Kollegen,
mit der Gründung der Italian Felt Academy will ich ein Institut schaffen, das der beruflichen und künstlerischen Weiterbildung dient.
Im Programm 2010/2011 stehen Workshops für FilzerInnen, die von vier bekannten Künstlerinnen in Italien gehalten werden.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Through other’s lens

I really love photography. And I keep on saying that perhaps when I get old I will have time to study it and understand it :) Perhaps.. But now I am enjoying looking through other’s lenses. I have so many favorite photographers, each of them so different and yet so me in one way or another.

I take my own photos with remote controler, and though I am just an intuitive photographer without any knowledge of what I am doing, expressing my pieces through photography is also very important to me, just like the same process of creating a piece. I believe that presenting a piece in photography is the continuation of your creative process, as well as respect to the piece created.

And it’s very interesting to see how others see my pieces through their lenses. It really gives you more feedback than one can expect to hear verbally spoken.



These are my nuno felted wrist warmers “Growing Spring on my skin” and nuno felted shawl used in a photoshoot by photographer Svetlana Batura.  A very sensual approach.


The following photos were made by photographer Eigirdas Scinskas – a bride was wearing my nuno felted wedding dress from so many yards of silk…







Natural lightness…




Man patinka fotografija. Kartais sakau, jog kai pasensiu galbūt pagaliau atrasiu laiko perkąsti fotografiją ir suprasti, ką iš tiesų reikia daryti su fotoaparatu :) galbūt….

Bet kol kas aš mėgaujuosi žiūrėdama pro kitų objektyvo stiklą. Kiekvienas mano mėgstamas fotografas toks skirtingas ir tuo pačiu atrandantis atgarsį manyje.

Pati aš fotografuoju visiškai intuityviai, absoliučiai be jokių fotografijos žinių (deja), naudodamasi pulteliu, tačiau fotografinis savo kūrinių pateikimas man yra be galo svarbus. Tai yra tarsi tos pačios kūrybos tąsa ir pagarba kūriniui…

Visuomet labai įdomu pamatyti savo darbus kitų fotografų akimis – tai suteikia nepaprastai daug atgalinio ryšio, daugiau, nei galėtų kas pasakyti žodžiais…

Aukščiau pateiktos mano darbų nuotraukos dviejų skirtingų fotografų akimis – Svetlanos Baturos ir Eigirdo Scinsko. Svetlana savo fotosesijoje naudojo mano veltas riešines ir šalį – itin jausmingas, jautrus pateikimas… Eigirdas fotografavo vestuves, kuriose jaunoji vilkėjo mano veltą vestuvinę suknelę. Nepaprastas natūralus lengvumas…


P.S. My Facebook Fan page has moved to

Mano gerbėjų puslapis Facebook’e persikraustė į

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Felt and amber or dare to dream

For the last few years I’ve been really obsessed with amber. If you have followed my creations, you could have noticed that I even used it in my felt works sometimes. I have bought amber supplies to use it in my work, but I just can’t – I want to have it in my home, just have it and feel good knowing it’s here and being able to touch it whenever I want to.

Loving amber I naturally fell in love with amber jewelry from ARZA jouvellerie

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There is some refined wildness in their work that attracts me to their creations… And just look at this dress…it’s like a feel all that amber on your body…




Dreams are powerful tools in life. Sometimes they full-fill before you even start to dream. Such was the invitation from ARZA jouvellerie to show our works together in an exhibition “Žavi moteris” (“Charming woman”). Nature of felt and amber jewelry is so incredibly alike…




These were my nuno felted dresses decorated with ARZA jewelry in the exhibition.


And here are the same dresses “live”:




I am so much into texture lately… (well, actually, when wasn’t I? :) ) More photos on my Flickr page!



Paskutinius kelis metus esu tiesiog apsėsta gintaru. Keletą kartų esu jį derinusi su veltiniu ir esu prisipirkusi gintaro žaliavos savo darbams, tačiau…niekaip negaliu jo naudoti, kadangi tiesiog noriu jį turėti namuose. Man gera nuo to, kad jis, gintaras, tiesiog yra namuose, kad bet kada užsimaniusi galiu jį paliesti, pačiupinėti…

Nežinau, ar būtent gintaras, ar pati ARZA papuošalų stilistika – rafinuotas laukiniškumas, lygiai taip pat pakerėjo mane.

Svajonės kartais tokios stiprios, kad berods nespėji net pasvajoti, o kažkas pildosi… Taigi ARZA kvietimas kartu pademonstruoti savo darbus parodoje “Žavi moteris” buvo labai maloni staigmena.

Tiesiog neįtikėtina kaip tarpusavyje dera veltinis ir gintaras. Kažkas nepaprasto šiųdvejų medžiagiškume…

Parodoje buvo pristatytos dvejos mano suknelės, kurių nuotraukų daugiau galite rasti mano Flickr galerijoje.


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